Top 10 Linux Commands Every New User Should Know

Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system, used by individuals, small businesses, and some of the world's largest corporations.

Top 10 Linux Commands Every New User Should Know
Linux top 10 commands every user should know. Pictures shows a mosaic with the word "Linux."

Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system, used by individuals, small businesses, and some of the world's largest corporations. It is the foundation of many servers, desktops, and other devices, and it offers users a wealth of functionality through the use of command-line utilities.

If you are new to Linux, or if you are an experienced user looking to brush up on your skills, here are the top 10 Linux commands that every user should know.

ls - This command is used to list the files and directories in a directory. By using options such as -l and -h, you can view additional information about the files, such as their size and permissions.

cd - This command allows you to change directories. Simply type "cd" followed by the name of the directory you want to navigate to.

pwd - The pwd (print working directory) command displays the name of the current directory. This can be helpful if you are unsure of your location within the file system.

cp - The cp (copy) command is used to create a copy of a file. It is used in the following format: "cp source destination".

mv - The mv (move) command is used to move a file from one location to another, or to rename a file. It is used in the following format: "mv source destination".

rm - The rm (remove) command is used to delete files. Use caution when using this command, as deleted files cannot be recovered.

mkdir - The mkdir (make directory) command is used to create a new directory.

chmod - The chmod (change mode) command is used to change the permissions on a file or directory. This is an advanced command and requires a thorough understanding of Linux file permissions.

man - The man (manual) command is used to view the manual pages for a command. For example, typing "man ls" will display the manual page for the ls command.

grep - The grep command is used to search for a specific pattern within a file or group of files. It is a powerful tool that can be used in a variety of situations.

These are just a few of the many useful commands that are available in Linux. As you become more comfortable with the operating system, you will find that there are many more commands that you can use to manage files, run programs, and perform other tasks. With a little practice and patience, you can master the Linux command line and unlock the full potential of this powerful operating system.