Monthly price, paid quarterly | $6/month | $16/month | $38/month |
Monthly price, paid monthly | $7/month | $20/month | $45/month |
Subdomain (ex: | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Connect your domain | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dedicated IP address for domain | No | No | Yes |
Managed Google Premium DNS | No | No | Yes |
Unlimited subscribers and staff accounts | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Custom Themes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Extreme NVMe Storage for images, etc. | 5gb | 30gb | 100gb |
File uploads (max size of each upload) | 50mb | 250mb | 1gb (1,000mb) |
Newsletter emails | BYO mailgun | 7,500 + BYO Optional | 20,000 + BYO Optional |
Pageviews | 10,000 | 100,000 | 350,000 |
Premium Google Cloud CDN (over 100 global endpoints) | No, Cloudflare CDN | Yes, Cloudflare CDN Optional | Yes, Cloudflare CDN Optional |
Google Premium Network, Tier 1 global internet backbone | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Nginx caching | No | 128mb | 512mb |
Load balancing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SSL Certificate | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Full site backups | 1x Daily + 1x Auto Snapshot Daily | 3x daily + 2x Auto Snapshot Daily | 6x daily + 4x Auto Snapshots Daily |
Subdirectory/Subdomain Installs | No | + $10/subdirectory | + $10/subdirectory |
Fully managed | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Sustainable, carbon-free resources | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dedicated secure environment & resources | Yes | Yes | Yes |
High performance, global Google internet backbone | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Own your data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Free and custom themes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Integrations | Full Access | Full Access | Full Access |
Managed install & setup | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Managed weekly product/software updates | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Server maintenance & backups | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Speed & uptime moinitoring | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Threat & uptime management | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Enterprise-grade security | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Product Support | Email Support | Email Support | Premium Support |
Uptime SLA |
Have a question? Contact us.
Leapjuice provides Managed Ghost CMS hosting solutions for content creators, independent journalists, writers, bloggers, & businesses. It’s an enterprise-class tech stack optimized for Ghost.
We are recognized as the world’s premium provider of Managed Ghost CMS solutions. Built on Google Cloud, we provide the juice to power your growth, increase earnings, boost SEO rank, & enhance the subscriber experience.
We are obsessed with (& driven by) providing customers with a premium product, ensuring seamless content creation & high performance content delivery around the world.
Choose a plan & grow your earnings with Leapjuice.